Founded in 1913, The Garden Club of America is a national leader in the fields of horticulture, conservation and civic improvement. Currently, there are 196 member clubs in 40 states and Washington, D.C., as well as eight foreign courtesy clubs.
Twin City is also a member of:
The Garden Club Council of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County
The Garden Club of North Carolina
- To provide a non-profit, philanthropic, and educational association for members.
- To coordinate the interests of all member garden clubs by association, conference, and correspondence.
- To study, in all its aspects, the art of gardening, particularly horticulture, and to cooperate with agencies furthering such interest.
- To encourage environmental improvement through civic development, beautification, restoration, and the protection and conservation of our natural resources.
- To assist in educating the youth of our state in the areas of garden club activity.
For more information, click here.
1925-27 Miss Edna Maslin
1927-29 Mrs. Alex Hanes
1929-30 Mrs. Doug Craig
1931-33 Mrs. John Gilmer
1933-34 Mrs. W.T. Wilson
1934-36 Mrs. Owen Moon
1936-38 Miss Ida Hinshaw
1938-40 Mrs. Charles Norfleet
1940-41 Mrs. Thomas Maslin
1941-42 Mrs. John Gilmer
1942-44 Mrs. J.S. Kuykendall
1944-46 Mrs. John Gilmer
1946-48 Mrs. Norman Stockton
1948-50 Mrs. John Gilmer
1950-51 Mrs. Thomas Moore
1951-52 Mrs. Jonas Rice
1952-54 Mrs. Thomas Rice
1954-56 Mrs. James Conway
1956-58 Mrs. Ralph Spaugh
1958-60 Mrs. A.S. Johnson
1960-61 Mrs. Alex Galloway
1961-63 Mrs. Strudwick Nash
1963-65 Mrs. Fred Sturmer
1965-67 Mrs. Samuel Castleman
1967-69 Mrs. Charles Vance, Jr.
1969-70 Mrs. LaVerne Gill
1970-71 Mrs. G.E. Spitzmiller
1971-73 Mrs. Claude Strickland
1973-75 Mrs. William Graham
1975-77 Mrs. William Benbow
1977-79 Mrs. Dalton D. Ruffin
1979-81 Mrs. Mary Lee Moore
1981-83 Mrs. Hugh Gentry
1983-85 Mrs. Brant Snavely, Jr.
1985-87 Mrs. Everette Sherill
1987-89 Mrs. James Culbertson
1989-91 Mrs. Alex H. Galloway, Jr.
1991-93 Mrs. W. Andrew Copenhaver
1993-95 Mrs. Robert McCoy
1995-97 Mrs. Gail Lake
1997-99 Mrs. Bruce Babcock
1999-01 Mrs. C.D. Bouchillon III
2001-03 Mrs. James C. Eller
2003-05 Mrs. P.E. Everett Wells III
2005-07 Mrs. Thomas Owen Moore III
2007-09 Mrs. Richard B. Wimmer
2009-11 Mrs. James T. Hopkins III
2011-13 Mrs. Roberston LaFar Moore
2013-15 Mrs. John R. Elster Jr.
2015-17 Mrs. Christopher Nicolas Jones
2017-19 Mrs. Scott Edward Cawood
2019-21 Mrs. Thomas David Neill
March 16th: Miss Edna Maslin, Mrs. Thomas Maslin, Mrs. John Gilmer and Mrs. J.L. Graham met together to organize the first garden club in Winston-Salem. First regular meeting held in May at “Tanglewood” with 24 charter members: Mrs. Fred Bahnson, Mrs. Burgon Craige, Mrs. T.W. Davis, Mrs. John Gilmer, Mrs. Powell Gilmer, Mrs. Chalmers Glenn, Mrs. J.L. Graham, Mrs. Bowman Gray, Mrs. Alex Hanes, Mrs. John Hanes, Mrs. Will Hanes, Miss Ella Hinshaw, Mrs. J.F. Kuykendall, Mrs. D.J. Lybrook, Mrs. J.L. Ludlow, Miss Edna Maslin, Mrs. Thomas Maslin, Mrs. William Nissen, Mrs. M.W. Norfleet, Mrs. William N. Reynolds, Mrs. Charles Vance, Mrs. W.T. Wilson, Mrs. B.S. Womble and Mrs. Clay Williams.
November 6: sponsored the organzation of the Garden Club of North Carolina. Miss Edna Maslin, first State President.
Sponsored the organization of the “Club of 20 Gardens,” Winston-Salem, and also the organization of “The Little Gate Garden Club,” first of Greensboro, NC.
Early recognition was given to the importance of restoration and preservation of Salem.
November 16th: organized the Garden Council of Winston-Salem.
Project: draining and planting of Hanes Park. By 1939, trees and shrubs numbering 811 had been planted there. Planted 261 trees and shrubs at City Hospital.
Tree School in Washington Park. Labeled 84 varieties of trees. Planted herb garden behind Wachovia Museum. Organized 14 Black garden clubs in Winston-Salem.
Planting at Reynolds Park.
Mrs. D. J. Lybrook elected President of Garden Club of North Carolina. “The North Carolina Gardener” came into being. The Club donated $876 to the Red Cross and $248 to the Garden Club of North Carolina toward the purchase of an ambulance.
Flower boxes built and maintained in lobby at City Hospital. A service to the hospital visitors for 14 years.
Garden Center organized. Mrs. J.N. Early first chairman. Garden and Tool House built at Lick-Boner Restoration.
January: Became a member of the Garden Club of America. April: House and Plant sale held at Mrs. P.H. Hanes on Georgia Avenue; netted $831.42 for Lick-Boner restoration.
Elected first Junior Members and finished Lick-Boner project.
Entertained Greenwich Garden Club, guests of Mrs. Nancy Reynolds. They later gave the pump in Old Salem in her honor.
Reynolda House and Garden Tour.
$500 given to Old Salem and to Tanglewood Arboretum.
Donations given to Garden Club Council.
Voted to restore the Timothy Vogler yard.
Arden Farm Day and Tailgate Sale – $1,900.
Southeastern Zone Meeting of GCA held in Winston-Salem. 50 box bushes given to Emma Griffin Garden in Old Salem.
A sound-film projector and screen given to Garden Cluncil, a gift to us from Mrs. Dillard Reynolds.
Completed garden at Timothy Vogler House.
First lecture series for Beginner Gardeners.
Second lecture series for Beginner Gardeners. Contribution of $1,200 for landscape designer’s fee for the Winston-Salem Convention Center.
Donated flower cart to Forsyth Memorial Hospital. Contributed $240 to Interchange Fellowship Central Fund of GCA.
Donated $100 to Winston-Salem Garden Council.