President–Sherrie Fain (2021-2023)
First Vice President–Courtney Douglas (2021-2023)
Second Vice President–Dru Simpson (2021-2023)
Corresponding Secretary/Assistant Recording Secretary–Sarah Dalena (2020-2022)
Recording Secretary–Jocelyn Connors (2020-2022)
Treasurer–Jane White (2021-2023)

About Twin City Garden Club
Twin City Garden Club was founded in 1925 in Winston-Salem, NC. Today, Twin City Garden Club has over 100 members made of Active, Affiliate, Non-resident, Honorary and Provisional Members. For over 90 years, Twin City Garden Club members have worked to promote conservation and beautify our community.

Member of the Garden Club of America
Founded in 1913, The Garden Club of America is a volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization comprised of 200 member clubs and approximately 18,000 club members throughout the country. For more information on the Garden Club of America, click here.

Conservation Tips
Each year, Twin City Garden Club picks a conservation theme and works to research and grow from what we learn. Past projects include water conservation, the plight of pollinating bees and others. Click here to visit our conservation page now.

Welcome, Members
TCGC Members, click here to go to our members-only password protected pages.
Committee Chairs
Liz Vaughn
Kate Jernigan
Charitable Giving
Cici Fulton
Wendy Brenner
Crossnore Garden Chair
Ashby Hopkins
Floral Design
Sissy Whittingtom
Founders Fund
Courtney Douglas
GCA Bulletin/Public Relations
Sarah Dalena
Garden Council Representative
Courtney Douglas
Garden Council Volunteers
Dru Simpson
Garden History & Design
Stewart Butler & Patty Brown
Michelle Leonard
Lara Wilson
Kate Clegg
Scottie Neill
Carolyn Fuller
Susan Elster & Sarah Smith
Dru Simpson
Social Media
Hunter Douglas
Special Event
Cannon Stoffel
Strategic Plan
Elliott Turner
Millie Schultz